Aspettando il Palio della Bilancia
I Vincitori del Palio dei Ragazzi festeggiano
Gli Sbandieratori e Tamburini aprono il Palio della Bilancia
Il nostro fantastico Corpo di Ballo
Gli Anni 80
Number of images in category: 24
Category Viewed: 803x
Gli Anni 90
Number of images in category: 42
Category Viewed: 1616x
Sfilata 2001
Number of images in category: 7
Category Viewed: 593x
Sfilata 2002
Number of images in category: 9
Category Viewed: 543x
Miss Palio 2003
Number of images in category: 7
Category Viewed: 493x
Preparativi Sfilata 2003
Number of images in category: 12
Category Viewed: 566x
Palio della Bilancia 2003
Number of images in category: 36
Category Viewed: 482x
Festa Toscana 2003
Number of images in category: 48
Category Viewed: 1330x
Cena Propiziatoria 2004
Number of images in category: 40
Category Viewed: 641x
Sfilata 2004
Number of images in category: 84
Category Viewed: 1692x
Palio dei Ragazzi 2004
Number of images in category: 94
Category Viewed: 1669x
Palio della Bilancia 2004
Number of images in category: 72
Category Viewed: 1282x
Palio della Bilancia 2006
Number of images in category: 56
Category Viewed: 1358x
Palio dei Ragazzi 2009
Number of images in category: 11
Category Viewed: 475x
Palio della Bilancia 2009
Number of images in category: 10
Category Viewed: 528x
Pranzo di Contrada 2011
Number of images in category: 19
Category Viewed: 533x
Musici e Sbanieratori 2017
Number of images in category: 16
Category Viewed: 470x
Festa dell'Estate 2017
Number of images in category: 14
Category Viewed: 463x
Sfilata 2017
Number of images in category: 88
Category Viewed: 1631x
Palio dei Ragazzi 2017
Number of images in category: 34
Category Viewed: 531x
Pranzo di Contrada 2017
Number of images in category: 24
Category Viewed: 469x
Tamburini e Sbandieratori 2018
Number of images in category: 8
Category Viewed: 464x
Corsa 4 Strade 2018
Number of images in category: 11
Category Viewed: 490x
Sfilata 2018
Number of images in category: 7
Category Viewed: 461x
Palio dei Ragazzi 2018
Number of images in category: 37
Category Viewed: 475x
Palio della Bilancia 2018
Number of images in category: 12
Category Viewed: 471x
Cena di Contrada 2018
Number of images in category: 21
Category Viewed: 485x
Sbandieratori e Tamburini 2019
Number of images in category: 21
Category Viewed: 458x
25 Aprile 2019
Number of images in category: 12
Category Viewed: 442x
Cena 4 Strade 2019
Number of images in category: 3
Category Viewed: 471x
Frateria 2019
Number of images in category: 5
Category Viewed: 455x
Festa dell'Estate 2019
Number of images in category: 56
Category Viewed: 1163x
Sfilata 2019
Number of images in category: 74
Category Viewed: 1151x
Palio dei Ragazzi 2019
Number of images in category: 66
Category Viewed: 1189x
Palio della Bilancia 2019
Number of images in category: 4
Category Viewed: 444x
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